Page 1: Information Governance

Welcome to the SuppoRTT Return Meeting Form 2.

SuppoRTT is available for all Trainees.

This form is to be completed with the Trainee and an *Appropriate Educator/Supervisor such as an Educational Supervisor or TPD.

Please note that Form 2 is designed as a template for recording the discussion between the ES and Trainee.  HEE receives a copy of this form once submitted however the actions needed to safely return a trainee to training still need to be carried out by the TPD/ES and trainee. 

Please note - you can pause your form and come back to it later by selecting the "finish later" option at the bottom of the page.  Once you have selected "finish later" the system will provide you with an unique link to enable you to access the form later and the option to email the link to your Supervisor so that they can review or complete their sections of the form.

It is the responsibility of the Educational Supervisor and/or TPD to disseminate the Trainees plan of return to all relevant educators/supervisors/medical education depts who will be responsible for the trainee during their return. 

If you have any queries regarding the SuppoRTT Programme or the completion of this form please contact the SuppoRTT Team at 

The sensitive information collected in this form will be securely held by HEE and will only be accessible to those directly involved in the trainees' return to training journey including any of the following: the Professional Support & Wellbeing Service (PSW), the trainees employing Trusts HR Team/Lead Employer, SuppoRTT Champion, Head of School, Training Programme Director, GP Programme Manager (if applicable), Educational Supervisor and East Midlands Careers Service. Data will not be shared wider without your explicit consent.

*For the purpose of this document, "Appropriate Educator/Supervisor" can be categorised but not limited to: Educational Supervisor, College Tutors, Clinical Supervisors, Foundation Programme Directors, Training Programme Directors, Heads of Schools, Directors of Medical Education, SuppoRTT Champion.

1.1. Please confirm that you have read and understood the information provided above and that you consent to your information being processed in this way. Required