Page 1: Identifying Information

Dates need to be in the format 'DD/MM/YYYY', for example 27/03/1980.



  • Introduction
  • HEE Primary Care in Preceptorship Criteria
  • Employer Information
  • PA Preceptee Information
  • Supporting Information and Guidance



The concept of a preceptorship year is increasingly used across clinical professions to support the development of both clinical and professional skills in complex clinical environments.  Following completion of their pre-registration education, support for new graduates on entry into the workforce has been demonstrated to enhance confidence and competence, providing a bridge between the supervision of the pre-registration learner and the mature clinician. HEE Preceptorship Guidance.

As part of the nationally agreed funding model introduced in 2018, Health Education England (HEE) has invested a £5000 education support payment for Practices/Primary Care Networks to support the development of the PA if:


  • the PA commences a programme in the first twelve months of practice after first gaining registration on the national register or

  • the PA is taking up their first post in primary care since gaining registration. This would also include the transition of PAs from secondary care within a maximum of 3 years’ experience. 

  • the PA enters a Preceptorship Programme which meets HEE Preceptorship Criteria outlined below


Contact Us:



South East School of Physician Associates (KSS)


East Surrey Hospital

Canada Drive







01737 768511 ext 6635






All data will be collected and processed by SESPA in accordance with privacy notices.  Data will be held for up to 48 months after submission of this form in accordance with GDPR guidance and used for purpose of the programme, its evaluation and the wider School.